Madame Bernadette the Beared Lady Dragon


Madame Bernadette the Bearded Lady Dragon’s life started
in embarrassment and shame, as do most for those not of
the norm in society. But finding the right characters boot your
life into the direction of inclusion and fame. Bernadette’s savior
was P.T. Barred Owl director of the Night Owl Traveling Oddity
Show, they do NOT enjoy the word freak. Say it again and we
will all be covering months of therapy, so Shh! Here, Bernadette
thrives. Her beard is admired by all the men with patchy chin straps,
lonely chops, and peach fuss lifers. She also reads fortunes for a
select few. $20 dollars she can tell you things, $30 and she can tell
you more, but for $50 she will tell you everything you ever wanted to

measurements: 5"H 3.5"W 4"L

Each piece is hand signed and dated!

medium: earthen clay and resin